Building Agroecological Struggles – the Poster

A poster celebrating lively and interconnected movements and infrastructures

This poster goes with our book Transforming Agriculture and Beyond. Illustrated by Amanda Priebe in collaboration with Common Ecologies.
Email us if you would like print copies!

Building Agroecological Struggles : celebrating lively landscapes of collective care and resistance Across many movements and places, there is dense work underway to grow the farming and food that we need, through care, experimentation, resistance and solidarity. Look at this terrain of entwined struggles for lively futures, against extractive and exploitative agri-industries, for territories full of beauty and collective care. We – the Common Ecologies earthcare strand together with illustrator Amanda Priebe – made this image to celebrate the wealth, power and connectedness of our struggles, the many tools and tactics we share and the communities we build. This illustration is a puzzle of images from different processes, places and stories in Europe, that we learned from in our 2023 course on Tools and Tactics for Agroecological Transition. It goes with the booklet on Building Agroecological Struggles that we edited together from this process. In the booklet, you can read about all you see here – different tactics and initiatives, why and how our struggles are connected, across rural and urban movements, human and more-than-human, across agriculture, anti-racism, feminism, ecology… Those are the puzzle pieces we need to build liveable and desirable futures of food, labour, relating, repair and reclaiming. Scan the QR codes to hear farmers, activists, gardeners and others tell their stories in different episodes of the Earthcare fieldcast. Find the booklet, course materials and videos, as well as the Pdf of this poster and more podcasts, for download at

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This poster was funded by Common Ecologies as well as the German BMBF, via the MovE research project at Jena University, in collaboration with the Earthcare Fieldcast.

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