Online launch: Transforming Agriculture and Beyond [EN/ES]
16 january 2024, 19h cet
Join us for the online launch of our book and poster for Transforming Agriculture and Beyond!
Os invitamos a la presentación online de nuestro librito y poster ‘Transforming Agriculture and Beyond’!
These materials constitute a toolkit with powerful lessons and tactics for agricultural transformation, in its necessary allyship with feminism, anti-racism, ecology, urban struggles and beyond. Drawing on different practices and struggles in Europe, these materials map out how we get to the just and sustainable agriculture of the future. Land, labour and livelihoods, local-regional economies and infrastructures and knowledge commons are at the heart of this transformation: these materials chart how such change must happen in practice, through opposing agri-capitalist ventures, through campaigning and legal tools, and solidarity across agricultural and labour, feminist, anti-racist, ecological and other movements. Another world is not only possible, it’s being shaped as we speak, by groups and platforms who care and dare to make a difference. These materials were made in dialogue with many such actors, and are a celebration of the interconnectedness of our struggles and knowledges.
Download the book here and the poster here. Join us! Make these materials yours 🙂
En esta presentación comaprtiremos una caja de herramientas en la que llevamos unos años trabajando, con aprendizajes y tácticas para la transformación de la agricultura. Esa transformación, para nosotras, va aliada con las luchas feministas, antiracistas, ecologistas, urbanas, y más allá. Nuestro libro (para imprimir en casa) y poster (a2) cuentan historias, modelos y tácticas para construir un futuro agroecológico dónde quepan todxs, con mucho cuidado y mucha inteligencia colectiva.
El libro y el poster se pueden descargar libremente, os invitamos a hacer esos materials vuestrxs, compartirlas, remezclarlas!
Nos vemos el 16 de enero 2024 a las 19h. Arriba hay un enlace para apuntarse a la presentación, os enviaremos un enlace.