We make podcasts

… to encourage movement learning: to ask questions, listen, think with others; to value, generate & circulate movement knowledges; and prepare our courses and encounters. In our podcasts, we tune into struggles for socio-ecological justice and transformation. The Spadework Podcast focuses on circulating organizing and movement-building know-how by uncovering the practices, techniques and mechanisms that make resilient, rewarding, and effective organizations and movements. The Earthcare Fieldcast focuses on transversal and translocal struggles that bridge ecology and care as perspectives, listening into stories, situations and strategies that can inspire change.

Spadework Podcast

Spadework is a forum dedicated to circulating organizing and movement-building know-how by uncovering the practices, techniques and mechanisms that make resilient, rewarding, and effective organizations and movements. Spadework is an educational project developed by Werkstatt für Bewegungsbildung — a movement school located in Berlin, Germany. It’s a collaboration with Roarmag and was initially supported by the Rosa Luxemburg foundation.

Earthcare Fieldcast

The Earthcare Fieldcast investigates how we build collective power and alliances, as we slide from crises of social reproduction into crises of planetary ecology. We learn from those who care for territories and ecosystems, look after bodies and communities, build movement infrastructures, and blockade, occupy and strike for earth and care. We channel feminist, ecological and anti-racist struggles for transformation. This podcast is a collaboration with RoarMag, the MovE project and Radio Orange Vienna – its precursor was the Sounds of Movement show (2013-16).